How to apply to UWC through Egypt National Committee, 2023-2025
Application is now Open, until 23 January 2023
To apply, please follow these steps:
To apply to UWC from Egypt for entry 2023, please follow these steps:
1. Access UWC online application here.
2. Create a new account using the 'Register' button to the right. Follow the link in the message to confirm the registration and activate your account.
3. Once you have activated your account, you will be directed to fill out an Eligibility Profile form.
4. After you have filled out the required information, you will be shown the programs you are eligible to apply for.
5. Choose the UWC Egypt application 2023.
6. First, you will see one task to test your eligibility to apply through UWC Egypt.
7. To be able to complete this first task, you must upload two documents:
• A clear scan of your birth certificate, which you will be asked to upload after providing your date of birth in the UWC Egypt Programme Eligibility form.
• A clear scan of your school enrolment certificate for the current year, showing your name, the enrolment date, and the school grade/year, which you are required to upload in the same form.
8. When you are done filling the form of this task, press "Mark as Complete", to be allowed to move to the next tasks.
9. Nine new tasks will appear on your list, which you are required to complete by filling each task's form. Press "Save and Continue Editing" throughout the process, and "Mark as Complete" when you complete each form.
To complete these tasks, you must upload:
• A clear scan of your grades' transcript of the final year of preparatory school (or equivalent), which you will be asked to upload in the Education Information form.
Please note that all other documents that we propose to be uploaded in the forms are not mandatory, but they make your application stronger, especially those that prove you have participated in the activities mentioned in the first short-answer question, and particularly if they show a product of your own making.
10. You and your guardians must sign the form of the ninth task (in case of a deceased guardian, please have one guardian sign the form twice).
11. Next, you will fill the last and tenth task, which is the Extra-Curricular Activities and Short Essay Questions stage.
We ask you to please fill the Extra-Curricular Activities and Short Essay Questions form with utmost attention to quality, making sure your answers address all parts of the question, and in the language that you are most comfortable with. The decision of the committee to accept or to reject you in the next stage of the selections will depend on your answers to the questions of this task.
Again remember to press “Mark as Complete” on the Short Essay Questions form.
12. When you have completed your tenth task, remember to press "Submit" no later than Monday January 23rd 2023, at 11 PM Cairo time. You will receive an email confirming submission.
Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Committee's email, or our Facebook page.
UWC Egyptian National Committee wishes you the best of luck.